English Edition | Edited by Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek und Michaela Feurstein-Prasser | Mandelbaum Verlag: Wien 2014 | 184 pages | 30 × 23 cm | ISBN 978-3-85476-440-3. With contributions by Fritz Backhaus, J. Friedrich Battenberg, Mark H. Gelber, Erik Petry, Diana Pinto, Joshua Teplitsky, and others.
One hundred years after the outbreak of the First World War, the Jewish Museum Hohenems looks back in an exhibition on the lifeworlds of the “Habsburg Jews:“ on their experiences, their hopes for a European unification, and their illusions about the multiethnic Habsburg Empire. Their connections across borders and their mobility rendered them active mediators between cultures and regions, a dynamic element of European development. In their life stories, represented in the selected objects, all aspects of a past and disappointed, abused, but still vibrant European hope are reflected.
Catalog accompanying the exhibition in the Jewish Museum Hohenems from March 25 to October 5, 2014.