Tue, 18. Jun 2019, 19:30-21:30
Filmscreening (with english subtitles) and talk with director Anat Even (in English) Director: Anat Even, Israel/Frankreich 2017, 75 min, Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles Past inhabitants of the Manshiye neighborhood arrive with their families for a picnic on the lawns that cover the ruins of their houses. They roam, breathing in the familiar sea air of the Jaffa city line, and try to locate the spot of the home from which they were either forced to flee or evicted by the authorities. The park serves as their witness stand, a stage onto which the materials of memory are projected. With their children, in Arabic or in Hebrew, they share the little stories of their interrupted daily life. Their voices are a living testimony to the human fabric of the neighborhood. Anat Even is an independent filmmaker. She produces, writes and directs all of her full-length films. Her works are concerned with themes of memory, identity and belonging, and direct a poignant critical gaze at the Israeli society. Anat teaches cinema at the Academic College Sapir. She’s a co-editor of “TAKRIV”, an internet documentary magazine. Received The Cinema Prize Awarded by the Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture 2004 & The Landau prize for Excellency in art 2011. Eine Veranstaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit Omanut – Verein zur Förderung jüdischer Kunst in der Schweiz, Kino Xenix, vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut und Spielboden Dornbirn Hinweis: Der Film wird von Omanut am 16.6. um 12 Uhr im Kino Xenix, Kanzleistrasse 52, Zürich, ebenfalls in Anwesenheit der Regisseurin, gezeigt. Weitere Vorführtermine in Zürich: 23.6. und am 30.6.2019, jeweils 12 Uhr |
Spielboden Dornbirn Färbergasse 15, 6850 Dornbirn +43 (0)5572 21933 spielboden@spielboden.at ► Eintritt: € 8,-/6,- Reservations are appreciated Download iCal ►
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