DVD | Language: English and German | Ed. Jüdisches Museum Hohenems | Hohenems 2009 | Length 19’30 | € 6,- | A Film by Markus Barnay in collaboration with the Jewish Museum Hohenems and the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, supported by American Friends of the Jewish Museum Hohenems
Bonus Track: Kids on Camera
Reunion 2008 in Hohenems | Length 6’25 | A Film by Beth Aberant, Paolo Bollag, Kelsey Piper, Jessica Piper, Kyle Piper, Jesse Taenzer and Peter Taenzer; Project Supervisors: Helmut Schlatter and Fabian Rüdisser
In the summer 2008 more than 120 descendants met in Hohenems again, where their ancestral Jewish community dwelled for more than 300 years. People came from all corners of the world: from California to Australia, New York to Jerusalem, from Italy and Switzerland, Great Britain and Germany, Belgium and France, Canada, Austria and even Liechtenstein. Hosted by the Jewish Museum Hohenems, they celebrated the vitality of the Hohenems Diaspora, a living community transcending borders, not just those of nations, but also of experience and faith. Diaspora and migration, tradition and modernity, transnational networks and local roots, experiences of persecution and of being at home, all result in a very special heritage. Together the Museum and the descendants work to make this world a place of greater tolerance and acceptance as well as presenting a thoughtful memory of history.
This DVD was produced with generous support by:
The American Friends of the Jewish Museum Hohenems
Verein zur Förderung des Jüdischen Museums Hohenems