Bilingual edition: English and German | Meeting of Descendants of Jewish Families from Hohenems. Treffen der Nachkommen jüdischer Familien aus Hohenems. August 1998 | Jewish Museum Hohenems | 1999 | 112 pages | 22,5 x 30 cm | 109 b/w images | € 18,20 | ISBN 3-901168-06-7
In 1998 descendants from Jewish families from Hohenems, living all over the world, came together for the first descendants reunion in Hohenems. 168 members of various families attended a moving program, including lectures and concerts, guided tours and family meetings, discussions and children’s programs. For many of them this was the first visit in the town, where their ancestors once lived for centuries, leaving Hohenems often as soon as in the 19th century to migrate into the world.
This volume offers a richly illustrated documentation of this event, that opened a new chapter – for the museum, but also for many of the families coming together in Hohenems. The Hohenems Diaspora since then is a decisive dimension of the museum’s activities and in a way even part of the life of Hohenems today.