In Austria, Switzerland and GermanyMarch 21, 2004 – May 23, 2004
To grow up Jewish in Austria, Germany or Switzerland after 1945, there was nothing self-evident, nothing natural about it. Or was it indeed?
What did it mean to be here – after the Holocaust or to get here as a refugee, migrant or second generation of survivors?
We asked Jewish writers and businessmen, journalists, intellectuals and artists, housewives and husbands, elder and younger, observant and less observant, known and lesser known people, to send us a photograph and to tell us a story from their childhood and youth: disturbing and memorable experiences in everyday life, moments of joy, of strangeness and belonging, glimpses of a multitude and variety of Jewish life since 1945. Together these stories and images unfold a panorama of contemporary Jewish experience in Switzerland, Austria and Germany today, with its profile and contradictions.
The exhibition is accompanied by various public and educational activities and events, readings, discussions, films and music.
An exhibition of the Jewish Museum Hohenems in collaboration with the Jewish Museum Berlin.
The exhibition was also shown in Vienna, Munich, Augsburg and Dorsten and later became part (in revised form) of the permanent exhibition in the Jewish Museum Berlin.
Hanno Loewy
stecher id (Götzis)
Roland Stecher und Thomas Matt
Museum education:
Helmut Schlatter
Renate Kleiser