The permanent exhibition of the Jewish Museum presents the Jewish history of Hohenems. It tells about an example of the Diaspora, informed by migration and transnational networks. In the focus you find people – their experiences and careers, their personal dreams and contradictions. A highly diverse panorama of personalities: industrialists and poor peddlers, inn-keepers and intellectuals, musicians and merchants.
For children and youth we offer special tours, concentrating on various subjects: about Jewish regional history and about religion, about National Socialism and Holocaust, migration and Jewish culture.
For adults we offer guided tours with space for questions and discussions. If you wish we concentrate on various subjects: tradition and enlightenment, Diaspora, settlement and migration, the diversity of Jewish identities, integration and exclusion, anti Semitism and National Socialis, Holocaust and escape routes into Switzerland, Displaced Persons and the aftermath of the war, remembrance and memory, the cycle of life and the cycle of the year, language and culture, food and kashrut.